Monday, November 23, 2020

I'm fine

Last night I lay with my son. Nightmare after nightmare rolled through him like seismic waves. I stayed with him all night. My alarm went off in another room and bleary eyed I crawled away. He did not notice me leaving. 
And then in minutes, lunches made, and backpacks packed, I was walking out the door. We yelled our goodbyes across the house and my legs walked  to a car I barely saw. My mind still in his room, my body still feeling his body, wiry and warm curling into mine. 
It is dark outside, and pouring. My breath trembles within me and I am close to pulling over, turning back, calling in. I am tired, and this is all just too hard.  But I press on. Slowly through the backsplash of the truck in front of me, slowly rounding the curve almost blindly, thankful that it is 6:30 and there is no one on the sidewalk or close to the curb. 
I am there at the school, smiling beneath my mask as I listen to my colleagues, my friends, as they exhale their anxiety. I am an ear and a laugh. I am anything but the hug I used to be. I am my hidden smile. They ask about me, and I am fine. I am always fine. I share my night but lighten it, always. It was fine. I got some sleep. Tonight will be better. I am fine.
There is a boy outside my room. He is a teen, but now a child. His shoulders are up and he is tense. I chat about nothing and open the door. We talk about his college essay. We do not talk about his mom. The pressure. We talk about words written on a page and he relaxes. Then there are more. They trudge in, silently, and I think of every other year, of every other class that has never been this quiet. That has never been this still. They stare at me, at the wall, at nothing at all from behind masks. I call their names. They do not answer. I have seen them and they feel no need. They know I know.  I stop. I breathe.  I tell them that I see them. I cut open the gash that is festering. I let in the air. We need to talk. So they tell me. They speak their every pressing needs. We do not worry about the work. We will get to it.  First we talk.  They talk and I listen. I laugh and smile and tease. 
I tell them about my night. I tell them about my beautiful daughter and how she sits there hour after hour staring at a screen, reminding her teacher in a classroom just a mile away that she is present, that she is more than just a voice. I share with them that since the start of the pandemic I have become obsessed with trauma shows. I have no time for funny. I want to feel, like there is not enough drama to fill the world from my small life alone. I am binging heartache so I don't feel my own.
I tell them I want a dog. I know that it might kill my husband, but there is a hole in my heart that has widened since COVID and the only thing that can fill it is a helpless furry creature who loves me and only me. I will not allow it to love anyone as much. That is where I am right now.  
And as I share, I feel the lightening of the room. For a moment, we are all face to face, nothing in between us but the oxygen we share. For a moment we are back to what we were. 
And then a hand goes up and the question is asked about the essay, about the word count about the due dates, and we are back. Reality closes in.
For now, I will live in that moment that we had. That moment where we all forgot the present.  That will be the moment that gets me through the week. Because when you are the person that other people turn to, it's easier just to say I'm fine. I will sleep tonight. I know it.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Teaching in 2020

My birthday just passed.  I am 44. I realized this morning that I have been teaching for half of my life.  That is a weighty truth. Thousands of students have passed through my classroom in that time. Thousands of beating hearts heavy with the anxiety of growing up. I have been a part of that and them for a year and sometimes two. Some have become friends on social media and I get to watch them build their lives. I have been lucky. I have been lucky enough to have a job that is emotionally and intellectually fulfilling for 22 years. I have been lucky enough to work with teenagers who are curious and snarky and funny and exploding with personality (and hormones) for so long. I have been lucky enough to work with friends and colleagues who match me in intensity and excitement and who believe so much in the work we do that they have stuck it out in this ever changing, seismically shifting career of ours. I have been lucky.  But this is tough. This is not like anything I have ever done. And yes, I know that this is true for everyone everywhere in every job.  But most people do not have my job.  Most people have not been that lucky.  

My job, my career, is meaningless if the kids don't show up. But these days I have only shadows of kids. I have students whose masks have subsumed them.  They have been overwhelmed and overcome. The masks cover their anxiety, blanket their trauma, and destroy their joy. I see few smiles, and hear less laughter. I am teaching to breathing avatars. Oddly, they are more alive when they are virtual, but barely. Without their joy, and candor, without their tears and hugs, without their arguments and drama, I am nothing but an automaton speaking into a void. I am exhausted. 

After years of witnessing my students think critically about ideas in every form, I am standing in front of 15 pairs of glazed over eyes, who robotically take notes. After years of pacing around my room, bending down at desks, kneeling down in front of pairs and groups sprawled out in the hallway, I am a droning lecturer in front of neat rows of teenagers all facing front terrified to turn their heads to speak to the student to their left. Discussions fall flat. Relationships are strained if built at all. This is not my job.

And I am trying. Other teachers tell me, it would be better for me if I stopped caring so much. Don't worry that I won't get them to write as much, read as much, talk as much, think as much. Don't worry that they are getting shortchanged ever so much. It is out of our control. But I am not those teachers. If I become those teachers I fear I will never come back to me. Yet I know they are right. If I could leave my job at 2:15 and switch my brain to being a mom and wife, if I could leave my job at the door, I might feel better. If I could stop myself from volunteering for every committee that I think might make a student's life better, if I could just say no instead of always yes, I would have more time, more clarity, more sleep. But then I would truly be stuck. 

I have been teaching for 22 years. I have another 13 years before I can retire, and I am too old, too centered in my life to leave. So I must find a way to love this job that I have been lucky enough to love until now. I must find a way to make my students smile through their masks and to keep smiling through my own. I must keep pushing myself to remember how lucky I was and how lucky I will be again. Because 2020 is not life. It is just one year. One year out of 22. I have to show up, if only so that my students will sense the fullness of my presence, and come out of the shadows to find their own. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

graduation speech 2020

To the graduates of 2020, the year the world stopped.
I'm not sure about the world we're giving you. But I am sure about the generation to whom we're handing it off. I am sure about you. We have done a lot wrong here. We have remained passive when we desperately needed to act. We have watched as the rhetoric got angrier, and more hate-filled. We have listened to scientists tell us about climate change, and we have nodded and done nothing. I'm not so sure about us. But I say again, I am sure about you. 
I have watched you grow. Some of you, I have taught for two years, but known for longer. Some of you, I just met this year, and some of you I only know to nod in the hallway. But I am sure of you. You are crusaders. You are passionate in your anger and your love. I have listened as you told me that the language of a book hurt your ears as well as your heart. I have listened as you told me that you wanted to see change in our classes, across the board. That there are not enough brown faces in your AP classes and your ECE classes. That there are not enough brown faces in the front of your classrooms. You have not held back when you cried out your worry for your LGBTQ classmates, who still, and always suffer the most from cyber bullying, from the type of bullying your teachers and adminsitrators don't hear. I have listened when you told me that that was all you wanted, someone who would stop, put their own stresses aside, hard as that might be, and listen. You told me about your relationships with friends being torn apart this year, and the questions you had about how you were dealing with your own relationships, and from this I know that you are asking the questions before we ever did. All of this is why I am so sure of you. You are identifying your weaknesses, so that you might learn from them. You are recognizing our weaknesses so that we may learn from them. You are growing and helping us to grow, and we are lucky for it. 
You have weathered what we never had to. You lost your prom, your senior skip days, your senior prank and yearbook signings. These are not small things, though people may tell you they are. Ignore them. They are your rightful transitions, and you have lost them. You deserve to grieve them. Believe me, I have grieved them right alongside you, because I have lost my chance to witness you living those rites of passage. I will not get to sign your yearbooks and hug you goodbye, sending you off with a bit of my strength and hope for you. But know that I am sure of you. That I have every confidence that you will change our world for the better. That because you question everything, you will continue to grow and force the rest of world to grow with you. Your need for answers, and your belief that every one of your classmates deserves an equal chance to grow into this unfathomable world, makes me sure of you. You will vote, because you are sick of no one listening to your voices. I have heard those voices and they are strong. You will push and pull until our government represents all of the colors and languages you see everyday in Conard's hallways. You will be the teachers who change the face of our classrooms, and the lawyers and doctors and politicians and welders and plumbers and service men and women who change the face of our world. 
We may not be handing you the best of all possible worlds, but you will go into it with a confident stride, and make it your own, and we will all be better for it. I am sure of that, because I am sure of you.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Transitions and Corona

The other night, I lay with my 7 year old son, as I listened to my husband and daughter fight about bedtime. She had asked for ten more minutes, and he had come up after eight. They were fighting for twenty minutes about two minutes. But it was never about two minutes. When he reached his limit and we both let her simmer down in bed, I went to talk to her. With tears in her eyes, she asked, "How fast will I have to speed walk to get to my classes next year?"  I couldn't help but explode with laughter and hugs for her. She could have asked me anything, been worried about any number of things, but she was worried, at that moment, about whether she would get to class on time in middle school. I calmed her down, and told her she could call her cousin to talk all about it tomorrow, and we all went to sleep. But it made me think in a new way about all of this.
  My daughter won't finish fifth grade with her class. This means that she won't take a trip with her classmates to see the middle school and walk the hallways. She won't be able to say her goodbyes to the only school she's ever known. Her friends will go to different schools (some magnet, some private), and they won't get together on a school trip first to sign yearbooks all as one. These moments may seem small in the scheme of things, but each one represents one step in the huge transition from elementary school child to middle school tween.  We have been so caught up in the day to day, that I had no idea that she was worrying about next year. 
  It also made me think of my seniors. I teach twelfth grade English, and talking to my daughter made me realize the extent of what they must be going through on a whole different level. Their transition time has also been cancelled. They will not have "Accepted Students Day," before they commit to colleges. They will not have final bonding days and weekends that are so important as they say goodbye to friends they've known since elementary school. No prom or senior trip to blow off steam and energy that has been building toward these moments for so very long. They will not wander the schools with their yearbooks, lining up at teachers' desks asking for words of wisdom. They will not get final hugs from adults with whom they've shared questions and emotions and breakdowns. These are not small things. These are holes, that if filled would allow them to move to new places feeling ready and secure. I can see (when they check in with me virtually) that they are feeling neither of those vital emotions. And I worry about them. I worry about how this strange time will affect next year for them. How you leave a place and time is so important to how you enter the next phase.
  A few months ago, I mentioned to my teacher friends that my twelfth graders were going through the anger phase of leaving. They were blowing up their friendships with extraordinary intensity. They were shifting alliances and pushing each other away, and as their teacher, I found myself telling them how normal this is. They are getting themselves ready to leave. But I had the expectation that they would have the time to come back together, to stitch up the wounds, to stop the bleeding. But then, we all just left. How will that affect them? What will be the psychological impact of an uncauterized friendship? I just don't know. And I worry.
  The more I think about these transitions, the more I think that they are similar to the stages of grief. But what happens when you are mired in the anger phase, or never get to bargaining because you haven't been given the space or the wherewithal to do so? How do you make it to the point of acceptance when you are abruptly taken from school and placed in a quarantine?  My students are anxious and depressed. They no longer turn on their cameras or their minds when they come to my virtual classroom. They are disconnected, and aching for connection. I beg them to show me their faces each morning. Some of them concede. Others stay hidden. They are grieving their losses. And in my fifth grade daughter's anger each night before bed, I find the same grief. 
  These transitions from fifth to sixth grade, from senior in high school to freshman in college, are so important to how we mature, and with lightening speed the pieces put in place to ease the way, have been taken from our kids. We have no easy words for them, because not one of us has been through this in just this way. There will be a lot of unexpected impacts of the Corona Virus. The effects of this moment in time on our kids going through the greatest changes in their lives is one that I had not thought about until now. But I can see them beginning to take shape in the virtual faces of my students (those who are willing to show them to me). After twenty years of teaching, I can usually find an answer, but across a computer screen, now, I can only send my smiles and little in the way of advice. Just remember to get out of bed, I tell them, to go outside in the sunshine, and to keep talking to each other and to me. I can’t provide them with the closure they are begging for, the closure that they need, but am hoping against hope that as a society, we’ll find a way to give it to them.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

morning rant

I think we all need to hear this right now. It's okay to say this is hard. I have so many friends who say, "I know I'm so lucky and shouldn't complain, but..." There is no but. You get to complain. You may have a roof over your head, and still be earning your wages, and have family in your home and heart, but you get to hate what is happening right now. Because, man, is this hard. My husband and I are working a room away from each other (when we said years ago that we could never work together) while the children try to do their own work and yet they are fighting and needing help and he is on a work call and I am trying to virtually teach (which isn't a thing, no matter what they tell you) and it is raining again and I have no more coffee and I don't want to wear a mask so I can stand in a cold, dreary line outside a supermarket for four items which will take an hour because of social distancing, and did I mention my kids were fighting again? I am exhausted and drained, and did you hear about Zoom fatigue? Yeah, I have that too. And, damn it, I am sad that I missed my Florida vacation, which is a ridiculously privileged thing to say, but I am saying it. I wanted that beach, and my skin to be warm and tan and to eat grouper sandwiches in a restaurant overlooking the water. And damn it I miss restaurants!  I miss nights out without my kids. I miss hiring babysitters and overpaying them because they end up watching the neighbor's kid as well. Taking out food and bringing it to my kitchen table (half covered by an unfinished puzzle) and eating it while I stare at the mess of my house and knowing that cleaning it just means the kids will mess it up again, and trying not to care, and to enjoy my half warm food is just. not. the. same.  So, say it. Say it loud and scream it into the void if you have to. I HATE THIS QUARANTINE. It is spirit and soul crushing. But look outside, right now, quickly (because it might be gone in seconds!). The sun is shining.  Everything still sucks, but there is that.  I'll take it.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Midnight on a Corona Sunday/Monday

So, it's midnight and I've had a pretty horrible day.  I was lying in bed tossing and turning, and I decided that probably a lot of people were doing the same thing, and maybe someone would do well to hear what I have to say right now.
Today was tough. It rained a lot. The kids were inside all day, which meant we were inside all day. My daughter decided that the only thing that could possibly get her through all of this change was to own a bird, and own one now. My son decided that there was NOTHING in the world that could possibly make him happy, and my husband and I at some point decided that the ban on cursing in front of our children was lifted. We were done.
And it's unlike me to really feel done, but as I lay there in bed tonight, I realized what it was. I have stopped laughing. I barely smile (and you all know that is not like me). And it's not because I fear the fate of the world. I know we'll get through this.  It's because I fear that I am not only not doing anything particularly well right now, but I am doing it all particularly badly. I AM NOT a stay at home, home-schooling mom. I don't know how to teach my fifth grade daughter to find the area of the shaded part of the square using fractions. I don't have the patience to sit with my second grade son as he refuses to write a sentence of his informational writing assignment, even though two seconds ago he told me every word he needed to write down. My house is a mess, because it's always a mess, I am not using this time to write the novel I always wished I had the time to complete, my cooking has gotten no better, and the thing that I know I am good at...this teaching thing...for me has always relied on my being in the room where it happens. So now, hey, I am failing at that too. I just felt, this evening, that I can not do this for some "unknown quantity of time."  And I got mad, and really sad, and I could not smile.
So I cleaned. I went out to the car and drove to a pet store and bought my daughter a goldfish named Chickpea to take care of.  I came home and helped my son rearrange his room and we all sat down and watched a silly show on tv.  It didn't get better, but while I was busy doing all of those things, I realized I was breathing. The air felt a bit lighter, and my chest felt less tight.
Obviously (it's midnight and I'm still awake), I didn't solve the anxiety of how we will make it through this new time (I refuse to call it my new normal...we will go back to the old way. I know), but I realized that maybe we all need to give ourselves a break.
My daughter didn't get her bird, but was happy to have a fish.
I will never teach her math, but someone else will down the road.
I will become better at virtual mom hugs and brightening your day over a computer screen, and your colleges won't care about these last couple of months, because, these are the months when THE WHOLE WORLD shut down. So, you will be fine too. We will hone the skills we have and do the learning together that we can, and we will all be fine. Because that's all we have to be. Not great, just fine. Until we're together, and great again. We'll get through this.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Piece of Myself I Didn't Know I Needed

My Jewishness has long been a defining factor in my life, though I might not have said so in my youth. I grew up in a suburb of Hartford, on the side of town that houses a majority of the Jewish population. I lived near what was called "The Reservation," also predominantly Jewish (though all the streets boasted Native American names, not rabbinical), and my school included a large group of Jewish students. Almost all of my friends were Jewish, many of them attending the same Hebrew school as I did, all of us equally uninterested in our Judaism, but thankful for the shared history and the extra time to hang out with which Hebrew school provided us. We loathed going to services, dressing up, sitting for long hours at a time, reading a language we didn't understand, being crowded into seats next to family members who glared at us or shushed us in equal measure.

I read The Diary of Anne Frank in both Hebrew School and middle school, and understood a bit about the Holocaust, but didn't see how it pertained to my life. Here was a young girl in a terrible situation, but it could not have been more different from my own situation. Here was a girl surrounded by rapidly changing beliefs about herself and her family. Where once people had befriended her and played with her, she was suddenly shunned. She was surrounded by images that did not represent her own understanding of herself, and yet, had become accepted as the definition of who she and her family were (and somehow always had been...the figurative wolf in sheep's clothing). I felt for her, but didn't feel like her, so it was all somehow lacking in meaning for me. 

In high school, I don't particularly recall learning much about the Holocaust, but I imagine we must have gone over it during history classes. I feel as though if I had read Night by Elie Wiesel it would have stuck with me. Looking back, I would hope that that novel, as eloquent as it is, would have made me reflect in a way that other books could not have. But perhaps I was too immature, thinking too much about my own social life and dramas to understand what others had been through so that I could be this complacent.

The only time during my youth that I ever felt "outside," or "separate," was during the Jewish High Holidays and during Hanukkah. Most years, when Yom Kippur came around in the fall, I would set my determination to fast for the day. My mother explained it to me as a worthy sacrifice, a time, once a year, when we could make ourselves uncomfortable for the purpose of reflection, and I liked the idea. But hunger usually won out over my lofty goals, and more often than not, by two p.m., I was sneaking snacks from the cupboards. I didn't resent my non-Jewish friends the day off from school, unless it was during the 2 1/2 uncomfortable hours spent in temple, when I knew they were fast asleep. I didn't even realize that most of the world did not get Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur off from public school. Most Jewish kids had to take the day off if they wanted to attend temple. I would not have then understood that there was a level of acceptance here that did not (and does not) exist elsewhere. I got through the day by thinking of the break-fast celebration that my family would have with a huge spread of bagels and lox and egg dishes, cream cheeses spread across the table, and brownies and cakes for afterwards. At the first sign of dimness in the sky, we would converge in the kitchen, mumbling prayers and grabbing food. The laughter and warmth made the day worthwhile. This is what I take with me from those days. I didn't think about the people not celebrating this holiday, nor wonder what they thought of me. That was a luxury for which I am now incredibly grateful. 

Christmas time was always a bit strange, however. I understood, of course, that ours was not the religion of the majority (even if it seemed to be in my group of friends), but the barrage of Christmas trees and holiday music that began at Thanksgiving and continued into January always made me a bit uncomfortable.  I smiled when I saw the occasional menorah, and appreciated the token Hanukkah songs at the Christmas concert (as it was still titled in the '90s), and was only the tiniest bit discomfited by the Merry Christmases that the teachers sang out in each classroom, as though we all celebrated this holiday, or as though the other holidays that we did celebrate were not important enough to mention. My otherness at this point was subconscious, there, but not yet frustrating. It lay below the surface, but just barely. 

There were moments, of course, when my difference was thrust in my face. I buried these times, for the most part, allowing myself time to deal with them when I had matured enough to understand the motivations behind the comments. In first grade, a classmate called me a kike. I did not know what he meant, and I am sure that I just looked at him, confused, and walked away. I certainly did not ask my teacher about it. But I could tell by his sneer that the word was unkind, meant to belittle. I am not completely sure that even he understood the term. I am confident, however, that it was a term much used in his house along with other hateful epithets meant to make his parents feel stronger, better, more secure in their own relative superiority. Children don't come to these terms on their own. 

I went home and asked my father about the word. He grew explosively angry, not defining the term, but telling me to punch him in the face if he said it again. I had to ask my mother, later, for the actual meaning. I don't remember her response. I couldn't empathize with my father's anger that arose from one small word. At six years old, I was secure in my world.

As a junior in high school, I got a job working as a counselor in the town camps. This was my first real interaction with high school students from the other side of town. It was the first time that someone was surprised when I told him I was Jewish. He looked at me differently for a moment, with a sort of appraisal, but it didn't feel negative, just odd. I was suddenly strange, exotic. But it became a story to tell my friends, nothing more. He hadn't seemed to be looking for horns, just changing his image of me, adapting to new knowledge.

The next summer, we had all become a bit more comfortable together, and that comfort bred a freedom of language. When I told my co-counselors that I had been accepted to Tulane University, one of them called it "Jewlane" with a smirk. I winced, but said nothing. It was just a comment, a fleeting moment. It didn't mean anything. I didn't think about the age old stereotypes that led to that comment: Jews and money; Jews and greed. Tulane was expensive. Was it greedy to go there? Was I conforming to type?

My parents always instilled in me that education was the most important part of my life. Grades and success were hugely important to them. Getting a C equaled failure in their eyes, and I was well aware of the expectation that I out-do my peers. This was true for all of my Jewish friends. We were expected to excel, to go to good schools, to push ourselves. We had to participate in sports and extra-curriculars and above all else, succeed. I didn't think about it. It was as much a part of my upbringing as the expectation that I eat healthy meals and be respectful to adults. My parents told me that education had always been important to Jewish people. I could see this in my community, but suddenly my success was being mocked. Suddenly my religion was a cause for embarrassment.

When I went to college, I surrounded myself with mostly non-Jews. My college boyfriend proudly wore a cross around his neck. I didn't talk about my religion. It set me apart. It was easy to ignore. When I walked across campus and was approached by a member of a temple just off campus, I shook my head when he asked me if I was Jewish. I can still feel the shame of denying my faith. It is a burning within me.

The summer after my junior year in college, my friend and I went to see the movie Schindler's List. I remember sitting in the worn down plush seats of the theater. The movie had been out for over a year, but I hadn't gone to see it. I didn't question why. He convinced me to go, and could feel the dread building. It was a nameless dread. Somewhere, deep within me was a young Jewish girl, hiding, and I was not yet ready to claim her. Halfway through the movie, the torture, deprivation, the absolute decimation of humanity broke me. I began to shake. My friend didn't notice. I clenched my entire body into a ball and trembled for the rest of the film. I couldn't speak. He looked at me, and I saw his gaze transform. I became a Jew to him in a way that I was not before. He was Christian. This was just a movie. For me, it was a turning point.

This didn't mean that everything changed, but that I began the process of accepting this part of my life, of questioning it as well. What did my religion mean to me? Did I believe in a God (absolute and terrifying? Generous and preserving?)? After college I moved in with a few friends, two of whom where Jewish, and we went to The Matzoh Ball (a dance held annually so Jewish young adults could meet). It was as awkward as you'd imagine it to be. I met and danced with who I can only imagine was the one non-Jew in the place. He had come with his Jewish friend. My parents scoffed, my friends laughed; I was more and more confused. What did I want out of my future? Could I truly abandon Judaism completely? Was there a part of me that had already made the choice?

But then I went back home, as I always did, for the High Holidays. I was surprised at the comfort and relief I felt. I was surrounded by hundreds of people who shared the traditions of my past. There was a deep, somehow innate connection, a tie that bound us all together irrevocably. There was, in fact, no choice to be made. I was home, not in the language being spoken (which I understood even less than I did as a teen), but in the unspoken language of faith. It became less about God, and more about family, heritage, and history. Here, we sat in a temple after so many had been destroyed by enemies of our religion. The sun shone through the stained glass windows and promised hope. There was not yet a policeman guarding the door, just my community clamoring to enter the sanctuary. Here was a place of absolute safety.

Now, when I bring my children to temple, there is a guard who smiles at me and high fives the kids. I look warily at the gun holstered on his hip. I cannot help but think about the rise of antisemitism around the world: Attacks in New York City, swastikas in schools, hate speech elevated to political rhetoric. Every year I declare my Jewishness to my students. This is who I am. This is who we are. I talk to them about my holidays. For each of the memories of which I am ashamed, I have created another memory of standing up, making noise, demanding change.

  • The picture of the Madonna and Child came down from the middle school office wall after a meeting I had with the principal.
  • When swastikas were plastered across the walls of that same middle school, I spoke clearly and personally to my students about the physical pain I felt seeing that black sharpied shape on a place I held sacred.
  • I taught the book Night to my 9th graders with pride and calls to action, teaching about those who resisted as much as about those who were forced to succumb.
  • I teach all of my students to be not only an ally but a soldier for inclusion and understanding, to break down barriers, to talk to each other.
And I reflect, always, on the rhetoric of the powerful and the expected silence of the powerless.

Elie Wiesel said, "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." I chose sides. I chose strength. I chose to raise my voice. My mezuzah hangs as a proud identifier on my door frame and a menorah stands in my bay window for all to see.