Thursday, June 26, 2014

death to mickey

Sometimes I just want to throttle Mickey Mouse.  Is that wrong?
Tonight, my daughter was a train wreck.  She is in the process of giving up her nap and so, as you can imagine, the evening is not a joyful time for her.  More often than not, I come downstairs from making her dinner, to find her passed out on the couch.  When I awaken her, she wants nothing to do with food or me or her brother who will then do everything he can to get her attention, while she kicks and pushes him.  Tonight she even growled at him! honestly, when she is like this, she becomes downright ferile.  While I am trying to force feed both of them and they are trying to stick forks in each other's eyes, who is singing happily in the background?  You guessed it...Mickey Mouse.  
At this moment, I usually find it best to take a sip (read gulp) of my wine and calmly turn off the television.  This usually gets the insane children's attention so that I can reseat Josh and convince Abby to listen to logic (read dessert bribery).  A few bites of food, tv back on, another sip (gulp) of wine and it is just about bath time and daddy will be home soon and then it will be bedtime and then...ahhhh.
But are asleep, all is quiet and I turn on the tv and who is still singing his happy tune?
You guessed it.  
So, yeah. Sometimes I just want to throttle Mickey Mouse!

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